Raveena Tandon’s Unfortunate On-Screen Incident: "I Felt Sick"

Raveena Tandon, a prominent actress from the 90s, recently opened up about a regrettable incident that occurred at the peak of her career. Known for her "no kissing policy," Raveena experienced an unintentional kiss during a fight scene, leading to significant discomfort and regret. The actress shared her feelings of distress and how the incident continues to affect her.

May 23, 2024 - 16:01
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Raveena Tandon’s Unfortunate On-Screen Incident: "I Felt Sick"

Raveena Tandon’s Unfortunate On-Screen Incident: "I Felt Sick"

Raveena Tandon, a celebrated actress from the 1990s, has once again captured the public's attention, not for a new film release or an award, but for a deeply personal and uncomfortable incident that she experienced during her career peak. Known for her stunning performances and timeless beauty, Raveena has been a household name, adored by fans for her roles in numerous blockbuster films.

The Incident

Raveena Tandon had a strict "no kissing policy" throughout her career, a boundary she maintained resolutely. However, during a fight scene with an unnamed actor, this policy was inadvertently breached, leaving her feeling violated and distressed. In a candid revelation, Raveena shared the incident that still haunts her:

"I still remember, I was shooting a fight scene with an actor. Suddenly, my lips touched his lips. It was an accident, but it was wrong. There was no need for this. I went to my room and felt sick. It was very uncomfortable. I couldn't stand it. I was just like, go brush, wash your face 100 times."

Emotional Aftermath

The unexpected kiss left Raveena deeply unsettled. Despite the actor’s immediate apology, the discomfort lingered. The incident was not just a minor on-set mishap for Raveena; it was a violation of her personal boundaries and professional ethics. This moment of unintentional intimacy was particularly distressing because it went against the principles she had set for herself in the industry.

Raveena's emotional reaction was intense. She felt the need to repeatedly cleanse herself, both physically and mentally, trying to rid herself of the unwanted experience. The incident highlights the often-overlooked struggles that actors face in maintaining their boundaries and comfort in a profession that frequently demands physical proximity.

Professional Impact

Despite this incident, Raveena continued to deliver outstanding performances and maintained her professionalism. However, the experience left a lasting impact on her, reinforcing her resolve to stick to her principles even more strictly. Raveena did not disclose the name of the actor involved, choosing to keep that detail private. This decision underscores her desire to move past the incident without dragging others into the spotlight.

Legacy and Reflection

Raveena Tandon remains an icon in the Bollywood industry. Her revelation about this incident is a stark reminder of the personal challenges that come with public careers. It also sheds light on the importance of respecting personal boundaries, even in the high-pressure environment of film sets.

Reflecting on her career, Raveena Tandon has expressed no regrets about her strict policies and principles. She believes that her decisions have helped her navigate the complex world of Bollywood with dignity and self-respect. This incident, though regrettable, stands as a testament to her resilience and commitment to her values.


Raveena Tandon's story is a poignant example of the unseen battles many actors face behind the glamorous facade of the film industry. Her experience serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of consent and the impact of respecting personal boundaries. As Raveena continues to be a beloved figure in Indian cinema, her courage in sharing this incident speaks volumes about her strength and integrity.


  1. What is Raveena Tandon's "no kissing policy"?

    • Raveena Tandon maintained a strict "no kissing policy" throughout her acting career, refusing to participate in on-screen kisses to maintain her personal boundaries and professional integrity.
  2. How did Raveena Tandon react to the accidental on-screen kiss?

    • Raveena Tandon felt deeply uncomfortable and sick after the accidental on-screen kiss. Despite the actor's apology, the incident left her feeling violated and led to significant emotional distress.
  3. Has Raveena Tandon revealed the identity of the actor involved in the incident?

    • No, Raveena Tandon has chosen not to disclose the name of the actor involved in the incident, keeping that detail private to avoid unnecessary controversy and focus on moving past the experience.

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